Does a Piglet Make a Good Gift?
Of course a piglet makes a good gift! Right? Well, it may seem that way. But there are many factors we need to take into consideration before we put a big red bow on a piglet. Let’s look at what some of those things are and why a piglet may not be the right gift for a loved one.
Important Considerations
Before adopting any animal, we want to be prepared. We want to do our research so we know what kind and how much food they eat, what kind of every day care they need, are they trainable, what kind of exercise they need, how much attention do they need, etc. We want to have supplies and food on hand. We want to know what kind of temperament to expect and approximately how large the animal will be full grown.
When we give an animal as a gift, we need to be sure that the receiver has done all of these things. We should also be sure that they are legally allowed to have a mini pig in their city or township. It’s a big responsibility. Are they ready for it? These are all things we need to think about before giving an animal as a pet.
I follow several pig groups of Facebook. I have been seeing quite a few people who got a piglet for Christmas that are now realizing the time and effort it takes to socialize, teach and potty train a piglet, and they are not up to the task. So their piglets are a few weeks old and are already going through a lot of change… have I mentioned that pigs don’t like change? It is very stressful for them. So it is going to be even harder to get these babies to adapt to the life of a family and really trust them.
So please, don’t give someone a piglet as a pet. Let them do the research, buy the supplies, pick the breeder or rescue and pick the piglet. Its really important to be prepared for any pet but especially a piglet.
See my YouTube Channel for more information.