How Much Water Does a Mini Pig Need?
There are so many varying answers to the question above. So, what is the real answer? How much water does a mini pig need? Let’s find out.
Pigs Need Water
Obviously, pigs need water in order for their bodies to function properly. The exact amount each pig needs is different depending on a couple of factors.
What is the pig’s age and size? Are they active? What is the temperature and humidity level where they live? Do they have a medical condition that causes their body to expel excess water?
Knowing the answers to these questions will give you an idea of the amount of water they need.
Not Enough Water
How can you tell if your pig is not getting enough water? Well, what goes in, must come out. So, look at your pig’s urine and urination habits. Does your pig’s urine look orange or dark yellow? Are they going hours and hours or even days without urinating? When you give them access to water, do they drink continuously until their belly swells, and they can barely walk? These are clear warning signs that you need to increase your pigs access to water.
Too Much Water
Can a pig have too much water? Yes, they can. If your pig is having constant pee accidents in the house, there is a chance that they are drinking way too much water. If they are peeing while they are drinking, this is also an indication that they are drinking too much water. (It can also be an indication of something more serious like diabetes insipidus so if you are concerned, please see your vet.)
Many pigs can’t self-regulate their water intake. They drink out of boredom or just because it is available. So, it is up to us to make sure they have the water they need but not too much.
Should I Leave Water Down All the Time?
Many mini pig “experts” demand that pig families leave water down at all times for their pig. They claim that a pig will get extremely ill or die if that is not the case. That seems reasonable, until you have a pig that constantly tips their water bowl and plays in it. In this case, water becomes a huge issue for these families. The mess can be overwhelming. So, what can you do with a pig that is constantly tipping their water bowl and soaking the floor several times a day?
The solution that I have found to be the most effective is to offer water several times a day. Once the pig has drank as much water as they want, pick the bowl up. I also offer as much water as they want with all meals.
Another tip to keep water off your floors is to put a water bowl outside. We do this and we always keep it full of clean, cool water. Our pigs know where it is and can drink as much as they want anytime they are outside.
What About Outside Pigs?
Outside pigs should have access to water at all times. This is common sense. It can be difficult to keep bowls filled in extreme temperatures, so you will need to be diligent. We use large rubber livestock bowls for our outside pigs and check them several times a day. We work hard to keep them clean and full of cool water.
Water is extremely important for any living being, including pigs. But that doesn’t mean that we have to give them access to it 24 hours a day. It does mean that we have to make it a priority to be aware of the outside temperatures, our pig’s urine schedule and consistency, and offering water several times a day.
Warning: Being deprived of water for long periods of time is very dangerous for a pig. Stay tuned for my next post on what happens when a pig becomes overly thirsty.