
Rebel Rescue Ranch
Episode: 66/ Season 3 / April 9, 2024
Rebel Rescue Ohio is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that was created in 2018 to help small domestic and exotic animals in need. The rescue moved to the “Ranch” in 2020 as the need to take on larger "farm" pets grew. Rebel Rescue Ranch, located in Berlin Center, Ohio has the space and availability
Is Your Pet Pig Food Aggressive?
Episode: 65/ Season 3 / April 2, 2024
Food aggression is so common in pigs. It’s easy for them to become food aggressive because they are so food obsessed. If we can work with them while they are young, so they don't become food aggressive, we will save ourselves so much stress in the future.  What is food aggression?
A Pig Named Olive
Episode: 64/ Season 3 / March 26, 2024
Rose is a High Ticket Affiliate Marketer, Beginner Homesteader and Animal Lover. She resides in Northwestern, Pennsylvania with her husband Alex and 13 animals. She has always dreamt that her life would be centered around the outdoors and animals so she decided instead of dreaming about it
Do Not Make This Mistake With Your Pet Pig!
Episode: 63/Season 3 / March 19, 2024
Training is so important if you want your pig to grow up enjoying interaction with people. If you don’t train a pig when it is young and continue that training throughout their life, you end up with a pig that is stressed and doesn’t know how to do anything outside of its normal daily activities.
Chevy The Pig And The Dangers Of Foxtails
Episode: 62/ Season 3 / March 12, 2024
In this episode I interview Emmaly about her pet pig Chevy. Chevy is a 2.5 year old potbelly she adopted as a piglet. Chevy and Tahoe(husky) bonded immediately and have been brothers ever since. They are both mamas boys who love to snuggle each other when mom is busy.
Does Your Pet Pig Have Spoiled Pig Syndrome?
Episode: 61/ Season 3 / March 5, 2024
Does your pig respect you? Is your pig mean, loud, destructive, demanding and bossy? If so, your pig has probably developed spoiled pig syndrome. Why does this happen? It happens when a pig becomes a leader. Pigs live by a very strict  hierarchy.
My Dog Attacked My Pet Pig
Episode: 60/ Season 3 / February 27, 2024
My name is Brittany. I've had my pet pig Kimmy for nearly 4 years. We have a German shepherd and a blue heeler. I also have 3 beautiful girls and 2 step sons. I wanted a pet pig since I was a little girl. Their cute snorts and adorable noses made me happy. I work in retail and have fostered for
Beating Pet Pig Winter Boredom
Episode: 59/ Season 3 / February 20, 2024
Keeping a pig busy inside our homes during the winter time can be a challenge. If it's cold outside the pigs don't want to be outside. If it is very cold outside, our pig can't be outside in this weather without proper housing, bedding, things to keep them warm and protected from the bitter cold
A Mini Pig And Chronic Lyme
Episode: 58/ Season 3 / February 13, 2024
Taylor has always loved animals. She grew up with dogs and horses but has always loved farm animals. Her favorite is pigs. She has struggled with chronic illness for the majority of her life and one of her main symptoms is very bad insomnia due to pain. She would try to find things to do at night to
What Happens When a Pet Pig is Underfed?
Episode: 57/ Season 3 / February 6, 2024
Pigs come in all shapes and sizes. They can be so many different colors, heights, and lengths. And each pig has its own personality. We know that overfeeding a pig really isn't good for them. It makes them susceptible to arthritis and tends to shorten their lifespan.