Episode: 58/ Season 3 / February 13, 2024
A Mini Pig And Chronic Lyme

Taylor has always loved animals. She grew up with dogs and horses but has always loved farm animals. Her favorite is pigs. She has struggled with chronic illness for the majority of her life and one of her main symptoms is very bad insomnia due to pain. She would try to find things to do at night to distract herself from the pain. She would always find herself watching any kind of pig video on YouTube and it would make her laugh. It was the best distraction for what she was going through. She wanted a pig from a pretty young age with what she was going through but her parents were not very sure. She was in the thick of her chronic illness about 5 years ago and that felt like the right time to add a pig to her family. Taylor tells us that she has started to get her life back. She went from bedrest to taking care of her farm and horseback riding so she is starting to improve.


Taylor tells us how she went about getting a pig as a pet. She did a ton of research and found out that pigs are well suited for someone with a chronic illness because they do not have the same needs as a dog does. She was able to finally get a pig and that ended up being exactly what she needed. She named her pig Bubbles. For the first 2 years of having Bubbles she was bedridden so they did everything together. It was a little bit of an adjustment when she started to get healthier and their lives together changed a bit. Bubbles is certified as an emotional support pig and also as a therapy pig. He was even able to go with her for her stays in the hospital. 


Taylor tells us a few of the struggles she has had with Bubbles and what they have overcome together. We also learn about life on her farm and the different animals that she has. She tells us how Bubbles interacts with the other animals. 


Taylor explains how her therapy program started and what is involved with that business. She shares with us the different forms of therapy her animals provide and a few personal stories of how she has been able to use her animals to help others through whatever they are battling.


Taylors one piece of advice for someone wanting to get a pet pig is to make sure that they are ready to make this commitment for the pig’s life. Do your research and realize that you will have this pig that you need to care for through their entire life. 


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