Episode: 63/Season 3 / March 19, 2024
Do Not Make This Mistake With Your Pet Pig!

Training is so important if you want your pig to grow up enjoying interaction with people. If you don’t train a pig when it is young and continue that training throughout their life, you end up with a pig that is stressed and doesn’t know how to do anything outside of its normal daily activities. Things come up in life that we can not control, so there is no way to keep our pigs’ lives exactly the same every single day. When we don’t work on training while our pig is young then we have a pig who doesn’t do well with any change at all. Why does this happen? Piglets are born terrified of everything because they are prey animals. Being a prey animal, that fear of anything new is what keeps them alive. When we bring them into our home and they become a pet results in our pig not having to be afraid of everything because we keep them safe. At a young age, our pigs need to be taught what to enjoy and how to enjoy it. Training can help so our pig is not afraid of every little thing. They are able to have a flexible mentality, they are open to new things and challenges and they have confidence. When you have a pig that has a good level of confidence, you are able to enjoy them and they will enjoy their life by being calm and content. What are the real benefits of training a pig when it is young and keeping up on the training?

  • We build a deep bond and trust with our pig.
  • A pig will be more easygoing and flexible in life.
  • You will have a better behaved pig.

What are some examples of training?

  • Manners
  • Harness training
  • Leash training
  • Tricks
  • Using stairs or a ramp
  • Walking on slippery floors
  • Walking on gravel
  • Crate training
  • Car rides
  • Strangers
  • Loud noises
  • Touch

What happens if we do not keep up on the list above or if we never teach them these things? We end up with a terrified, stressed out pig that is in constant panic mode. What can this result in?

  • Food aggression
  • Spoiled pig syndrome
  • No confidence
  • No trust 

How can you help a pig that is older that you didn’t keep up with training that is very afraid of anything new? Restart your training today. Pick something that is easy that your pig doesn’t know how to do and feels uncomfortable with and be consistent. Use treats, build their confidence and their trust in you. By working on one thing at a time you will have a pig that is more confident and happier.


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