Episode: 28 / Season 2 / January 3, 2023
Do Pet Pigs Need Time Outside?

Do pet pigs need time outside? The short answer is yes. There is a myth that pigs can live in a basement or apartment their entire life and still be healthy. In this episode we will talk about why it is an absolute crime on a pig to lock them up inside. They absolutely need time outside.

Why is it imperative for a pig’s health to have time outside every day? 

The first thing a pig needs is sunlight to absorb certain minerals. Pigs need Vitamin D in order to be healthy. Sunlight through a window is not the same as sunlight outside. Pigs need to be in the dirt. When they eat that dirt they get small amounts of iron and pigs are naturally deficient in iron. Fresh air is also needed so they can take deep breaths to blow out toxins. They also need to feel the elements on their skin. They need to have outside time in their natural habitat every day so they can eat grass and do the things that a pig does. Another thing they get outside is exercise. If a pig is kept inside they don’t get exercise so they become overweight and unhealthy compared to a pig that has outside time daily. Being outside on different terrains also allows their hooves to be filed down a bit naturally so they may not need their hooves trimmed as often. Being outside is good for their mental health as well. During extreme cold or hot weather days we need to keep our pig safe. Ideally four hours a day outside would be amazing but it is not always possible depending on where you live. 

Key Takeaway: It is important to make sure that our pet pig gets time outside every day so they can be healthy physically, emotionally, mentally and it will help with behavior.


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