How Should I Care for My Pet Pig’s Ears?
Should you be cleaning your pet pig’s ears? In this episode I am going to answer 2 questions.
- What should your pig’s ears look like down inside?
- What is the proper way to clean my pigs ears?
Let’s start with what it should look like in a pig’s ear?
It is normal for a pig to have a waxy, oily, brown, chunky buildup in their ears. That is the wax in their ears. This wax can even have a slight smell to it and that is completely normal. This wax has a purpose. The purpose is to protect the pigs eardrum and not let any liquid in there. Liquid can be very dangerous to a pig’s ear. It also protects their ears from dust, debris and insects. Many times a person will take their pig to a vet that is not used to seeing a pig and they think that the pig has an ear infection, so they treat the pig by cleaning that out and prescribing ear drops like they would for a cat or dog with brown wax in their ears. Unfortunately this is a huge mistake. When the wax is removed from a pig’s ear that natural protection is removed and then adding drops into a pig’s ear is very damaging. This could lead to giving your pig an ear infection. The waxy plug does a very good job of protecting the pigs ears. If you are looking at your pigs ear and you notice this wax at the top of their ear or piggy rust around the top of the ear you are able to clean that area. We do not want to go down into the ear to clean anything out.
How can we clean around the top of the ear?
A warm washcloth that is completely wrung out can be used to clean the wax or rust off the top of the ear. We do not want to go deeper or dig with our finger in their ear. I like to put some coconut oil on a paper towel or cotton swab and use that to rub off the piggy rust on the top of their ears. We do not want to use so much that it drips into their ear or to put it directly into their ear. It is best to train them when they are young to let you clean around the outside of their ears. If you start while they are young you can continue it as they grow older.
We are not going to let anyone, or ourselves, dig into the ear of our pig. We are not going to clean out that wax. We are never going to pour any liquid into our pig’s ears. When cleaning the outside of our pigs ear, we will not let anything fall into it.
Ear health for pig’s is pretty easy. It’s pretty easy to keep a pig’s ears nice and working well. We don’t want to mess with them. They take care of their ears themselves.
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