Episode: 5 / March 1, 2022

Is a Pet Pig for Me?

How can you know if a pet pig is for you? What about a pig can make it a challenging pet?

In this podcast I will share tips that you should know about a pig to decide if they are a good fit for your family. 

In this episode of The Pet Pig Podcast Autumn explains:

  • That pigs are herd animals, so what does this mean to you?
  • They are prey animals, so it will take time for them to adapt.
  • They are similar to a toddler, so how do we keep them out of trouble?
  • And last, pigs are extremely food driven.

Remember, If you prepare ahead of time and talk to pig owners you can have a happy home with your pet pig. Never stop educating yourself. Another way I can help you is through my Educational Membership group where I share EVERYTHING you need to know about your pet pig.

Key Takeaway: Pigs can make excellent pets when you understand how they think, why they act the way they do, and how to keep them in their place.

