Episode: 41/ Season 2 / July 4, 2023
Let Your Pig be a Pig!

We all know that pigs are constantly rehomed for many reasons. One reason that is often overlooked is that people rehome their pig for being a pig. They think the pig will or should stop doing things that are natural pig behaviors and instincts. What are some of the natural pig behaviors that cause people to get rid of their pig? We are going to talk about the top 5 natural behaviors or instincts that cause rehoming and what we can do to make these behaviors not so annoying or damaging to us.

  • Rooting

People get rid of their pig for rooting up their yard, home, and their belongings. What they don’t realize is that rooting is an instinct that pigs need to do. Some pigs have a much stronger desire to root than other pigs. What can we do if redirecting does not help the rooting? Give them a place that they are allowed to root. 

  •  Squealing

Pigs squeal because it’s a form of their communication. We don’t get rid of a baby for crying so we shouldn’t get rid of a pig for squealing. Now pigs are smart and they can learn that squealing is irritating so they will do it on purpose. How can we teach them that squealing isn’t going to get them what they want? It is a lot of consistency from a young age if possible.

  • Nesting

Most people don’t realize that pigs are nesting animals. They make a little nest for themselves or a mother will make one for her and her babies. They will pull anything from anywhere to make a nest if they have a strong nesting instinct. It’s very important for our pig to have a safe space to make a nest with blankets that are theirs.

  • Aggression to strangers or company

Pigs are prey animals. They are also herd animals so they know who is in their herd. They are also territorial animals. This territory that is theirs, their home, makes anyone that comes into it a threat. We need to put ourselves into our pigs place. How would you feel if a stranger walked into your home?  You can work on desensitizing your pig so company isn’t as scary to them, or you can train your company on how to handle your pig.

  • A busy or destructive pig

Pigs need activity and mental stimulation. If you sat around for days, how would you feel? You feel worse the more you sit around. When a pig is young they like and want to move around. In the wild they are constantly on the move looking for food. They will not just lay around like a dog. What can we do? We need to give them lots of outside time. They fulfill many instincts just by having outside time. We can also work on training sessions with our pig. 

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