Episode: 20 / September 6, 2022
Pet Pig’s and Obesity

There is a big misconception out there that a pig is only happy if they are fat.

I feel so bad for overweight pigs because, just like people, when you are overweight you don’t feel good and it is hard to move. I don’t judge the owner because it is very easy for a pig to become overweight. 

Why is an overweight pet pig not a good thing? If you look at pigs on a farm that are meat pigs and notice that they are so big, its because they have fat for a reason. Those pigs serve a different purpose than a pet pig. A pet pig should be lean. A pig was designed with very short legs and those little legs have to hold up their body. If a pig is overweight it puts a lot of pressure on their legs and joints and feet. Over time it will lead to arthritis. It will cause walking to be very painful. Once it is painful to walk they will become more stationary. Having all that extra weight on their head and face can also lead to loss of eyesight and hearing. They can then become fearful with the loss of sight and hearing and that can lead to aggression. Something else that can happen is a loss of a quality of life. A healthy pig can live 15-18 years. But when you have an overweight pig and their quality of life is damaged it can cause premature death.


What is an ideal weight for a pet pig? 

A pig should be lean. If you are standing over your pig and looking down you should see a slight hip sway. You should not see spine, or hip bones protruding but if you touch your pig you should be able to tell where they are. 

A belly should not be hanging way under the pig. It should never touch or drag on the ground unless the pig is pregnant. 

Their ears should be upright and not pushed forward by fat. 

You should also be able to see your pigs eyes without touching them. 

What things cause excessive weight gain in a pig? Too many calories. An excess of anything can cause them to gain weight rapidly. 

Not enough activity.


How do we know that our pig is getting enough food or too much food?

Google the body score condition chart for pigs and see which one is most like your pig. 

Change your pigs diet either direction very gradually if they need to drop or gain some weight.

Key takeaway: There is no one size fits all for pig food amounts. You need to access your pig and adjust individually so you can make sure they have a healthy body score. 


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