Episode: 11 / May 3, 2022
Pros and Cons of Pet Pigs

In this episode of The Pet Pig Podcast Autumn will discuss the pros and cons of pet pigs.

If you were to ask me what the best pet in the world is, I’m going to say a pig. I love pigs. But let’s be real, a pet pig is not for everyone. They are so cute, and have great personalities but they can be a difficult pet. It is up to each individual to decide if a pig is a good pet for them or not. The only way we can make that decision is by knowing the facts. So let’s talk about some of the facts of pigs.


  • Pigs are extremely intelligent.
  • Very easy to train because of their intelligence.
  • Can be very affectionate.
  • Considered as a Hypoallergenic pet.
  • They do not shed daily like a dog or cat.
  • They only need annual vet visits.
  • They live a long life compared to many pets. On average a healthy pig lives 15-18 years.
  • They do great on a routine.
  • It is pretty cheap to feed pigs.
  • They potty train pretty easily.


  • Sometimes they are too smart.
  • They are very food driven so they can get into food if they have access to it.
  • They do not have self-control, so they will eat until they get sick.
  • They can become bored easily so they can get themselves into trouble.
  • All pigs have an instinct to root so they can root up yards or gardens.
  • They don’t sweat so they are susceptible to heat and stress.
  • They do not like change so they can stress easily over change.
  • They have a herd mentality.
  • They are pray animals so they scare easily.
  • A knowledgeable vet can be difficult to find that is comfortable working with them.
  • They chew on things trying to see if its food.
  • They need time and attention especially during the training phase.

Key Takeaway:

It is up to each individual to decide if a pig is a good pet for them or not. The only way we can make that decision is by knowing the facts.





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