Episode: 54/ Season 3 / January 2, 2024

Should a Pet Pig be a Gift?

It is that time of year again. The time when my phone is ringing off the hook because people are looking for piglets as gifts for Christmas. I think it’s important to understand why, in my opinion, a pet pig is not a gift. In order to be successful with a pet pig, preparation is essential. If you have been listening to my podcast, or you have a pig, or you have ever visited a pig rescue or you follow any rescues on Instagram or Facebook, you already know that pigs are constantly abandoned or rehomed. They are constantly given up to rescues and sanctuaries. Those same rescues and sanctuaries are bursting at the seams. Why does this happen?


The first reason is, pigs are not an easy pet. Pigs are extremely intelligent which means they need interaction, training and things to stimulate their mind to keep them in a good mood. Not everybody who gets a pig knows what they are getting themselves into. They see the most adorable little face and snout and they just have to bring it home without doing any preparation. These are the people who end up getting rid of their pig when it grows up. It is important to know these things for everyone who decides to bring a pet pig into their home. They need to be able to make an informed decision. So when it comes to getting a pet pig for someone who LOVES pigs, these people are the ones that are in danger of getting a pig as a gift when they are not ready. This is a recipe for disaster. 


When we bring a pig home we need to make an informed decision. We also need to make sure we are able to find a vet in our area. Having a vet is the number 1 thing we have to have before bringing a pet pig home. A close second thing is legality. Is this person zoned for a pet pig? Do they have a homeowners association? Do they live in an apartment? Do they live in a community where there are laws against “farm animals”? It is NEVER a good idea to bring a piglet home when it is legally not allowed. You may be able to hide a pig for a certain amount of time but is it good for the pig? Pigs NEED outside time every day. What happens when they are found out? Is the city going to take the pig away, euthanize it, or give you time to find it a new home? Next we have to think about if this person is ready for the responsibility of a pet pig. Getting a pet pig is like having a baby. It is a lot of work and responsibility. Has this person been able to do research? You want to be ready BEFORE you bring a pig home.


The main thing I would like to eliminate is the after Christmas scramble to find help for people who had been given a piglet for Christmas. These people either want help fixing a behavior they didn’t know how to handle or they were already ready to rehome their pig by January. This is why it is so important to be prepared beforehand. There are some exceptions to giving a pig as a gift. A parent who has done a lot of research and maybe has a child who has always loved a pig and wanted one that has also done all the research on how to care for a pig may be a person that could give their child a pig as a gift. Also if you know someone who has had a pig before but maybe it passed away after 15 years and you know they are ready to get a new one, they would be a person that could receive a piglet as a gift as well. A pet is family forever, there is never a good reason to get rid of a family member. So when we get a pet it is important that we are able to make a truly informed decision. Really look at it logically and see if we can physically take care of this animal. If you get a pet pig and you do it all the right way, a pet pig is the BEST pet you will ever have. With time and effort you can have a best friend for life and that is ALWAYS the goal. 


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