Episode: 57/ Season 3 / February 6, 2024

What Happens When a Pet Pig is Underfed?

Pigs come in all shapes and sizes. They can be so many different colors, heights, and lengths. And each pig has its own personality. We know that overfeeding a pig really isn’t good for them. It makes them susceptible to arthritis and tends to shorten their lifespan. We want our pigs to live as long as possible and be as healthy as possible. That is always the goal. 

Now we are going to talk about something that is absolutely cruel and horrible to do to any living thing. .Underfeeding. Underfeeding is a big problem when it comes to pet pigs. So today I want to talk about what happens when we underfeed our pig, what it does to their bodies, why does this happen in the first place? The lack of nutrition has a huge impact on the body. If we are going to keep from doing this to our pig, and be able to help others, we need to know what the signs are of a pig that is underfed. 

Physical signs:

  • Seeing skeletal bones we shouldn’t see
  • Their head is too big for their body
  • Sunken eyes
  • Skin pigmentation is off
  • Extra dry skin
  • Very little hair and bald spots or extra thick hair
  • Bowed legs
  • They do not pick their head up
  • Resting their snout on the floor
  • Eyes only partially open
  • Unsteady footing
  • Curved back bone
  • Bloated belly

If you notice these signs on a pig, this is not the time to attack the owner. If we truly want to help people and help a pig you should not send a rude message on social media. They will not listen to you! If you reach out to them in friendship and community and stay kind you eventually might be able to bring it up in a kind and gentle way, they will appreciate your good motives. Most likely the person doesn’t realize what they are doing.

Less obvious things happening in a malnourished pig’s body.

  • Bones are weak
  • Prone to arthritis at any age
  • Lymphatic system isn’t moving so immune system becomes weak
  • Organs are weakened
  • Body growth is stunted but organs continue to grow and are crushed.
  • Lack of concentration
  • Loss of motor skills
  • Hormones are affected and may be permanently damaged

Not a single living thing should be subjected to starvation. Why does this still happen? I have come up with three of the most common reasons.

  • It’s done unknowingly
  • Their breeder or someone they know told them to feed tiny amounts.
  • They want to keep their pigs small. 

Do not starve your pig. There is no such thing as a Micro, Nano or Teacup pig. Breeders can never guarantee small sizes unless they are starving their pig to keep it small.

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