Episode: 39/ Season 2 / June 6, 2023

What is a Pig’s Job?

Pigs have been wild animals for thousands of years. We have mildly domesticated the farm pig. It’s only in the past 40-50 years that we have been truly domesticating pigs and bringing them into the house to live with them like a pet. Pigs don’t always make the best pets when we as people don’t understand how pigs are built and what they are built to be focused on. What is a wild pig’s job? If we understand this, we will be able to understand what it takes to have a pet pig successfully. We want our pig to be happy and to thrive so they can live for a really long time. So let’s talk about the 3 jobs of a wild pig.

  • To reproduce
  • To build a nest
  • To find food

When we domesticate a pig and bring it in the house and make it a pet, we shift their life’s purpose. In the wild they have a drive to survive, but when we make them a pet we change that need.

How can we provide jobs for our pigs to give them a meaningful life so they can work out those instincts and fulfill them so they can be a pig? 

  • Training
  • Outside time
  • Crate them when they can’t be watched
  • Toys
  • A companion

We need to be patient when it comes to the instincts of our pigs. We need to realize that many times we are the cause of the issues we have with our pigs. We need to let our pig be a pig.

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