Episode: 18 / August 2, 2022
Why do Pigs Squeal and How Should I Handle It?

Everybody who has a pig knows that pigs squeal. We are going to discuss why they squeal and what we can do to teach them that squealing is not acceptable behavior. So let’s talk about why pigs squeal.
Pigs are very vocal creatures. They are excellent communicators. They use a lot of different vocalizations. It can be hard to decipher what they are trying to tell us through their voice. I have found that pigs squeal for mainly 3 different  reasons.

  • Pigs in the wild protect themselves through their ability to run fast or bite, but one of the most effective ways they get away from a predator is by their squeal. Piglets that are afraid will use their squeal to ward off danger. So they may be interpreting a situation at home as a life threatening situation. So let’s have some compassion and realize that they are just afraid.
  • A great illustration for communication is a baby crying. They cry because they need something. A pig will do that same thing. They will use their squeal to communicate with their family/herd. Something is wrong and they are trying to communicate that to you. This particular squeal is very distinct. It’s a very high pitched shrill, panicked squeal that does not stop. You need to respond to this squeal and help them. 
  • The third reason is they are throwing a tantrum. If you give into this squeal and respond to this one when it is a manipulation squeal, they will continue this behavior and it will only escalate. 

So how can we fix this behavior when we have a pig that is really just an excessive squealer?

  • The most effective means of retraining your pigs behavior is by ignoring a squeal. 
  • You can change the pigs frame of mind by making them do some form of trick before you do what they want. When you make them work for what they want, they think they are getting it because they had to work for it by doing a spin or trick, not because they squealed until you gave in. 
  • Anticipate your pigs needs. As they grow you can be proactive and anticipate their needs. 
  • Keep your pigs world changing. Pigs get bored easily. You can change up many things for them to keep their life changing just enough. This will teach them that change is safe and good so they won’t be startled by changes. 


Key takeaway: When you ignore a pig that is demanding anything you are teaching them good behavior. Eventually they will stop squealing to get what they want and everyone will be happier.


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