What Foods are Poisonous for Pet Pigs?

If you have a pet pig, I’m sure this question has crossed your mind:  What foods are poisonous for pet pigs?  Let’s see.

the most Common Foods to keep away from your pig
  1.  Salt.  Salt is a common ingredient in many processed foods, including dog, cat and chicken feed.  Salt is dangerous to pigs.  Salt makes pigs excessively thirsty, and this is where the problem lies.  Drinking a massive amount of water throws off the delicate electrolyte balance in a pig.  This can cause neurological and physiological problems, even death.
  2. Fruit pits.  These aren’t poisonous but can cause blockages or damage to delicate tissue inside a pig.  They can cause serious damage and even death.
  3. Unshelled nuts.  The shards from the cracked shells can damage delicate internal tissue.
  4. Acorns and oak leaves.  These have high levels of gallotoxins.  These toxins are very toxic to the kidneys and can cause kidney failure.  It is best to keep our pig away from oak trees altogether.
What about common plants that pose a threat?

The following list will be helpful in understanding some of the most common plants that cause an issue for pet pigs.  Keep your pig away from them.

If you need more information on any of these plants, go HERE and search them by name.


Take aways

It is important to know which foods and plants are poisonous to pet pigs. We desire to keep our pigs safe and healthy so they can live a very long life.