The Most Common Mistakes with a Pet Pig

There is always a learning curve with any new pet, so some mistakes are inevitable.  But in order to help keep those mistakes to a minimum, I will be sharing the most common mistakes with a pet pig.

Common Mistakes
  1.  Spending every second with your new piglet.  This causes a piglet to be needy and unable to be left alone.  Instead, leave them alone for chunks of time so they learn to self soothe and be comfortable on their own.
  2. Neglecting to correct bad behavior.  Biting, squealing and rooting on people are a few bad behaviors that need to be corrected immediately.  If they aren’t, they will only get worse.  I have many resources that focus on correcting bad behaviors.  (YouTube, courses, groups)
  3. Responding to every squeak, grunt or squeal.  Pigs are master manipulators and will use this to their advantage.  Instead, only give them food or attention when they are calm and quiet.  This reinforces a calm state of mind.
  4. Feeding treats from hands, your plate, counter, refrigerator or couch. Pigs are extremely intelligent and soon they will understand that these places are associated with food.  They will bully their family into giving them food.  If there is no food at a certain time in these places, the pig will act like a fool until they get some.  Instead, only feed your pig treats from your hand if you can confidently correct them for nipping or biting.  If you can’t, set all treats on the floor for them to eat.  NEVER feed your pig from your plate, table, couch, counter or refrigerator.  This way they never associate those places with food, and you will have a calm pig that respects your boundaries.
  5. Starting things you don’t want to do forever.  Many people fail to set up rules and boundaries when their pig is young.  Because of this, the pig thinks they own the place, including your bed and will become possessive of it.  Instead, set rules and stick to them.  For example, do you want a 75-pound pig on your couch, in the bathroom or kid’s rooms?  I like to make cuddling a treat not something that is demanded by my pig.
  6. Not crate or harness training.  A pig does not need free roam of your home.  This is where destructive behavior can come into the picture.  Each pig should have a safe place where they can build a nest and feel at home when you can’t be watching them.  At some point, a crate may save your pig’s life so start when they are young.  Crate training a 100-pound pig is a challenge.  It is the same with a harness and leash.  Teaching your pig to wear a harness and walk on a leash is a gift!  It may save their life one day.
  7. Not taking your pig in the car often.  This causes pigs to be terrified when they finally do have to take an emergency trip to the vet or go on a vacation.  Keep your pig comfortable in the car.  It will save you a lot of stress and probably a huge mess in the future.
  8. Not making pigs work for their food by doing tricks.  This causes you to be viewed by your pig as a treat dispensing toy.  Instead, teach your pig lots of tricks and change up the routine for each meal.  This way your pig looks to you as a leader instead of a waitress.
If You Need Help

There are few trustworthy resources available to help prevent these common mistakes with a pet pig.  Due to the desperate need, I have created many.  My resources reach people all over the world and give pet pig families the tools they need to be successful.

If you need help or advice with your pet pig, feel free to reach out to me at my email address.

A Great Pet Pig Experience

In order to enjoy your pig, knowledge is needed.  It is way too easy to make these mistakes with a pet pig.  Having the tools to care for your pig with confidence is a rare thing now adays.  Take advantage of these tips so you too can have a great pet pig experience!