What Are the Best Toys for a Mini Pig?

Many people assume that a piglet is like a puppy and will love to play with toys.  These same people are disappointed when they see their piglet have no interest in the toys they worked hard to pick out. Do pigs play with toys?  And if they do, what are the best toys for a mini pig?

Pigs and Toys

Pigs are extremely intelligent beings. They do like to run around and play but often times they turn up their noses at dog toys.  Why is that?  My guess is that they need brain stimulation and lifeless toys just don’t do that.  There are toys out there that are able to keep a pig’s attention.  Let’s talk about the toys my pigs like the most!

The Best Toys for a Mini Pig

  1. Treat dispensing toys – pigs are very food driven so if there is food involved, you better believe that they are interested.   The following are a few my pig’s love.

    These are great for stuffing greens inside, so your pig has to work to get their treat.

    My pigs love treat dispensing toys like this one.

    We use these a lot with pigs. They have to work for each bite.


  2. Snuffle mats and rooting mats keep a pig’s attention as long as there are still treats to find.

    Snuffle mat


  3. Puzzles are a great way to give your pig some enrichment.  They will master them quickly!



  4. Crinkle toys keep pigs busy for a little while.

    Crinkle Toys


  5. Tarps are something that pigs love to play with.  There are many pigs that enjoy throwing around a tarp.  If you get the chance to see it, its adorable.

More Enriching Toys

Pigs need enrichment.  They need their brain exercised in order to feel fulfilled.  Spending 15 minutes a day working with your pig on tricks and giving them things to learn, is a great way to do that.

I have a list of ways to enrich your pig’s life in my Amazon Storefront.  Check it out HERE.

Find out what other products I love for my mini pigs in this blog post, My Piggy Product Favorites!

What toys does your pig like to play with?  Share it in the comments below!