Why Spay or Neuter Your Pet Pig?
Spaying and neutering a pet pig is pretty universal. There isn’t much controversy around the subject. This is a good thing because any pig that is intact can be a menace! So let’s talk about why we need to spay or neuter our pet pig.
🐽 Males are very “active” and enjoy mounting anything in sight. This could be you, your kids, the dog, furniture, table, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc.
🐽 He likes to leave his bodily juices all over every thing.
🐽 Those bodily fluids stink really bad. They are musky and it’s really hard to get the smell off.
🐽 He can become aggressive- he is very frustrated.
🐽 Their tusks are testosterone fed so they grow more quickly and will need trimmed more often.
🐽 Females have a heat cycle every 21-23 days.
🐽 They become territorial and mean when they are in heat.
🐽 They do not bleed. Their vulva become swollen and dark pink/red.
🐽 They don’t listen well when I’m heat – you can’t out train hormones.
🐽 Intact females are prone to uterine tumors. These tumors can be massive.
🐽 When in heat, they can be destructive.
It Will Be So Worth It!
It is so much better to spay and neuter your pet pig! These behaviors and physiological issues can be completely avoided!
Is your pig spayed/neutered?